Musician, Composer, Song writer

Sugami-The Livingroom Sessions vol6


Sugami with lagoon/景色の見える音楽vol17(ライブdigest movie)

Sugami's Profile
Creating her own Musical World
1997年に Styling Records より LIVE ALBUM をリリースしソロ・アーティスト活動を始める。
2000年以降、自身のレーベル・ブランド「Steppin' Stone」、更にバンドSugami With Lagoon を立ち上げ、 Uphill Records から、これまでに1枚の MINI ALBUM と7枚のALBUMをリリース。
自身の活動の他、 A Hundred Birds 、UKのD.J.Sparkiiとシタール奏者石濱匡雄とのユニットGlocal newzのメンバーとしても活動中!
Sugami is a unique singer / songwriter / artist living in Osaka who continually creates her own musical world.
In 1997, she released a live album from Styling Records and began her solo career.
Since 2000, she has launched her own label brand "Steppin' Stone" and has released 1 Mini Album and 7 Full Albums from Uphill Records.
In addition to her own releases, she is a member of A Hundred Birds and Glocal Newz, together with UK's D.J.Sparkii and Japanese sitar player Tadao Ishihama.